The Wonderful Felted Dolls of Egle Apanaviciene

Egle Apanaviciene Needle Felted Dolls featured on

We recently had a chance to visit with Egle Apanaviciene who lives in Lithuania.
She is a graduate in fashion design and besides her felting, she creates wedding dresses. It was as a fashion student that she discovered felting and began creating gifts for special occasions.

Egle Apanaviciene Needle Felted Dolls featured on

About her dolls, Egle says:
“When I start the process I do not have a clear vision of the result but have great satisfaction in my work.”

“Each doll is unique. I put not only work in them but also sentiment and love. That is why it is hard to part with them. Mostly I give them as gifts to special people.”

Egle Apanaviciene Needle Felted Dolls featured on

Egle may spend up to 2 or even 3 months to create one doll, she shares,
“It takes a lot of patience but the results are always rewarding.”

For her own personal goals, Egle says she wants to “excel” and she feels “the creations in wool are limitless.”

Egle Apanaviciene Needle Felted Dolls featured on

Egle Apanaviciene Needle Felted Dolls featured on
Her encouraging words for others who are interested in needle felting:

“Patience and more patience. It is most important for me not only he result but the process of achieving it. And this process is the most satisfying creative reward.”

You can follow her online via her facebook page:


Egle Apanaviciene Needle Felted Dolls featured on



  1. Love your work…usually not a fan of bears, but yours are so sweet, I’d even want to own one. But my fave is the Bunny with the little beady eyes, love little beady eyes…thanks for adding such charm and fun to the world


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