Felted VW Bug Brightens Your Walls


This little bug wins the Inspired Ideas award of the week! We all flipped when
Irene shared this felted VW Bug in our facebook group, LIVING FELT FRIENDS.
much to our delight she patiently answered the stream of questions that ensued.
“So… today I woke up with this crazy idea… It is a 1960 poppy color Beetle,
wet felt mosaic. The final size is 18 x 15″, LF merino top, viscoseand silk fiber.
I used prefelt cut into all major parts. I left space between them at the layout stage.
I used a sander for a long time too to get all the parts hold on to the background.
most black lines are simply the background which is wool with viscose fiber,
which makes it darker and they don’t disappear as quickly as wool alone.
I admit that I needle felted a few lines in the body of the car after wet felting…”
-Irene Clark, Wisconsin


  1. This wonderful and charming felt art back fond memories of the two Bugs I owned, a 68 and a 74 Super Beetle. You learned it was necessary to carry extra string, duct tape, an extra fan belt and a copy of the Idiots Guide to Owning a Volkswagen.


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