Gorgeous & Lifelike Needle Felted Bunnies by Teresa Brooks

In our newsletter this week we featured this wonderful bunny by Teresa Brooks.
She also made our Felting Friends Pic of the Week on facebook! A few people
have asked whether we have more photos of her bunny, so please enjoy these
along with the info shared in our newsletter.

I first became acquainted
with Teresa when she sent us photos of her wet felted scarves, they are lovely!

We will share them with you soon in an upcoming feature on scarves, but when
I asked her about them, she included several photos of her needle felted bunnies.
They are awesome! We asked if she would be interested to make a tutorial and
her answer was too great not to share!

I’d have no idea how to do a tutorial for my animals. They just start out as a blob and go from there. The only real tip I know for sure when doing animals is to make sure to set the eyes in the wool, not on top, for a more realistic look. Oh, and have lots of pictures from different angles. When making something three dimensional, you have to constantly turn it around and check that it looks proportional from all angles. I’d be more than happy to submit pictures of the process, but it’d probably look like a raw wool
– blob – still blob – less blob – sort of animal – yay animal, progression.



“When I first started needle felting, I didn’t even have a foam mat. I had two needles purchased from a sewing supply store and some old wool my Mom had had shipped from New Zealand to spin (spinning never happened, so I absconded with it). Many puncture wounds later I found Living Felt on the internet and have since ordered all my goodies from you.

Everything I make is trial and error. I’ve gotten tips from your site as well as from fiber artists across the internet. Mostly I see things and immediately think, ‘I should make that out of wool!’ “

Teresa Brooks, New Zealand


We think Teresa’s creations are
beautiful and are so happy to share them with you! We hope you will share
some love and give your feedback below!


  1. Your creations are so stunning. I just started felting too and mine are just blobs of felt and I think I will have to toss it. But it becomes a creature of some sort. I love the bunnies and they look so real and sweet. Thank you for sharing with all of us out here learning this exciting craft.


    • (May I suggest that you don’t discard your “blobs”? Instead keep them, or a portion of them, so that you can your own evolution–or at least keep photos of them to watch your own progression as you improve).


  2. Oh my heavens!!! Breathtaking beyond amazingly beautiful…. Like the Velveteen Rabbit they are destined to be well loved and become REAL!!!!!


  3. I consider myself fortunate to know the lovely woman who creates these remarkable “felted” creatures–she is as lovely as they are–and I’m glad to see you are featuring her work on your blog. : )


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